理查德·卡特曼艺术;总裁/卡特曼公司, 24 水街,霍利斯顿,MA 01746
508-893-6232 richard.kattman@gmail.com
Kattman Corporation 景观建筑
理查德·卡特曼,总裁, 卡特曼公司, 专业的 练习 自 1988 年以来的景观设计, 专精 在 城市设计、规划、商业、工业、休闲/开放空间、精品住宅项目。 Kattman Corporation 为公共和私人客户提供服务,强调 与人的个人互动 实现 设计与施工管理 卓越。一个 管家 土地的, 负责任、知识渊博、富有创造力和成本意识 设计师, 理查德 考虑景观建筑 一门艺术。
理查德卡特曼的设计 哲学反映时代问题,包括使用自然 当地的 耐久性、保护和保存材料 世界的 资源,限制在建筑中使用化学品和燃料, “绿化”和保护环境, 并制作屡获殊荣的创意 经久不衰的工作 对于地方和人。
卡特曼公司 景观设计师, MA 许可证 #606, 24 Water Street, 霍利斯顿, MA 01746 www.crichardkattman.com 508-893-6232 richard.kattman@gmail.com

Google Winter Crossing Building Installation

Western View of Pavillion with Walks, Benches, Lighting, and Plant Materials

Site Plan

View from 24th Floor of the Marriott Hotel

Landscape Plan Rendering, 8 Scale, Lexington, MA

Front Lawn

Swimming Pool

Dining Terrace

Street Elevation, Wrentham, MA

O'Neill Residence Landscape Plan

Luther Residence, Beard Way Entry Walk/ Walls/ Plantings/ Lights/ Gate

O'Neill Residence Landscape Design

Wellesley, Massachusetts Landscape Installation

Gibbons Residence Landscape Plan Rendering

Pool House Landscape Design and Site Amenities

Master Plan Site Rendering

Landscape Design, Food Services and Pool Building

Landscape Design, Newton, MA

Landscape Architectural Design

Landscape Architectural Design

Landscape Plan Condominiums, Lexington, MA

Site Plan for Community Center, Springfield, MA

Landscape Design, Hopkinton, MA

Walls, Lawn, and Plantings at West Clubhouse Elevation

Site Landscape Plan for a Residence in Concord, MA

Irregular Bluestone Terrace and Pergola During Construction

Construction Details for a Residence in Concord, MA

Landscape Plan

Overlook Terrace with Railing

Brick Terrace and Granite Step/ Landing

Lawn Terrace

Landscape Design for a Gate Terrace, Lexington, MA

City Center Site Landscape Design Plan

Entryway Design

Site Plan of Amenities and Plantings for a Mansion in Dover, MA

Typical Garden Plantings

View of Site Landscaping at Driveway Entry Gates/ Pillars

Terrace Details

Landscape Design, Winchester, MA

Landscape Design

Site Design for a Residence, Dover, MA.

Site Photographs of Landscape Design Amenities

Landscape Design Rendering

Eastern View From Cambridgeside Galleria of Lechmere Canal and Park Design Richard Kattman Project Landscape Architect Carol R. Johnson & Associates, Inc., 1984

Landscape Plan for a Cluster of Condominiums and a Single Family Home in Canton, MA